Abbey Resources
Find the resources for our Abbey Kaleo track here.
Spiritual Practices, Disciplines + eXercises organized from a-Z
Categories, at a glance:
Apps | Bibliography | Body | Centering Prayer | Church & Community | Contemplative Life | Counseling & Therapy | Discernment | DNA & Group Spiritual Direction | Enneagream | Guided Meditations | Justice | Leading | Poetry | Prayer | Resources from Great Groups | Racial Justice | Retreat | Rule of Life | Sabbath | Scripture | Sermons | Service & Loving Others | Simplicity | Small Group Resources | Spiritual Direction | Spiritual Disciplines | Spiritual Formation
Pray-as-you-go - A great app from the Jesuits with daily 10 minute guided meditations with Scripture
Reimagining the Examen app - A modern tool to help pray Ignatius’ prayer of examen
Insight Timer app - For contemplative music and guided meditations, recommended by Vancouver pastor Ken Shigematsu in Survival Guide for the Soul
Centering Prayer app - Supports one’s daily prayer practice with an adjustable timer, optional opening/closing prayer options and background music (also recommended by Vancouver pastor Ken Shigematsu in Survival Guide for the Soul)
I Breethe app - Another one from Vancouver pastor Ken Shigematsu in Survival Guide for the Soul
Bibliography (great books, articles, essays, blogs)
Dallas Willard Center for Christian Spiritual Formation 2017 Book Awards
Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World by Henri Nouwen
Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Moving from Solitude to Community to Ministry by Henri Nouwen
Top 10 Reasons to go to Church by Ronald Rolheiser
Surrender to Love by David Benner
Invitation to a Journey by Robert Mulholland
The Discerning Heart: Exploring the Christian Path by Wilkie and Noreen Cannon Au
5 Facets of Spiritual Formation by John R. Throop
Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening by Cynthia Bourgeault
Invitation to Retreat: The Gift and Necessity of Time Away with God by Ruth Haley Barton
Spiritual Direction: A Brief Introduction by Dahlia Fraser
Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction by Margaret Guenther
Group Spiritual Direction: Community for Discernment by Rose Mary Dougherty
Sacred Companions: The Gift of Spiritual Friendship & Direction by David Benner
Releasing the Body to God Exercise (via Renovare)
Rediscovering the Lost Body-Connection Within Christian Spirituality book
Journaling Your Inner Struggle (temptation journaling exercise)
A (modern) chapter out of Screwtape Letters by Naomi Yeker
The Practice of Embodiment via Conversatio
AWAIT Body Prayer, inspired by Julian of Norwich
Centering Prayer (silent prayer)
Leading with an Inner Life Handout (Contemplative Leadership and Silent Prayer)
Solitude Exercises Booklet (Centering Prayer, Nighttime Pillow Meditation, Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry Exercise, Breath Prayer, Stilling Meditation)
Insight Timer app - For contemplative music and guided meditations, recommended by Vancouver pastor Ken Shigematsu in Survival Guide for the Soul
Centering Prayer app - Supports one’s daily prayer practice with an adjustable timer, optional opening/closing prayer options and background music (also recommended by Vancouver pastor Ken Shigematsu in Survival Guide for the Soul)
Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening by Cynthia Bourgeault
Church & Community
Fed through the Body: Why we need the Church and the Cloud Handout
Moving from Solitude to Community to Ministry by Henri Nouwen
Top 10 Reasons to go to Church by Ronald Rolheiser
Faithful Communication handout (for May 2019 Kaleo Abbey night)
Facing Our Words Handout
Church Calendar
Fat Monday Morning Prayer Handout (including an Acrostic Worksheet)
Lent Resources (Questions for lent, fasting examples and stories)
Holy Week & Easter Resources from Jan Richardson
On Generosity by Walter Brueggemann
Contemplative life / Spiritual Disciplines
Accessing the Wisdom of Dreams article
Hard Stuff (evil, false selves, temptation, struggle, sin)
Facing Our Shadows: On Weeds, Blindspots and Complicity Handout (including The Thinking Person’s Checklist and Awareness Examen)
A (modern) chapter out of Screwtape Letters by Naomi Yeker
Holiness - The Beauty of Holiness, a 5 day devotional from Renovare
Authentically Holy - an article by Carolyn Arends
Hospitality - Hospitality: How to make space for others without losing yourself Handout
Integration - Integrating Vows Retreat Handout (used for 2019 Emmaus Community Retreat)
Reconciliation - Reconciliation Retreat Booklet (Exercises for being reconciled with God, with one’s story, and with others)
Reflection Exercises
Listen to Your Life Exercise (based on a Frederick Buechner quote)
3 Losses Exercise (via Dan Miller)
Practices to Prepare for Death (and Heaven) - handout here, practices here
Silence - Leading with an Inner Life (including “stopping” exercises)
3 Guided Meditations on Silence from David Benner
Leading with an Inner Life (including “stopping” exercises)
Solitude Exercises Booklet (Centering Prayer, Nighttime Pillow Meditation, Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry Exercise, Breath Prayer, Stilling Meditation)
Rest & Recovery Retreat Day booklet and exercises
Keeping Company with God on Retreat booklet w/exercises
Arbor Counseling (Quadra area) - Sliding Scale, starting at $80 (but that may be negotiable; several Tablers have used Arbor)
South Island Counseling (Cedar Hill Crossroads) - Sliding Scale, starting at $20
Citizens Counseling (King Road & Quadra) - Sliding scale, couple-month waitlist
Facing Our Shadows: On Weeds, Blindspots and Complicity Handout (including The Thinking Person’s Checklist and Awareness Examen)
The Discerning Heart: Exploring the Christian Path by Wilkie and Noreen Cannon Au
Discernment Handout (from April 2019 Kaleo Abbey night)
7 Discernment Tools Packet
The Practice of Discernment via Conversatio
DNA/Group Spiritual Direction
Intro to/Preparing for Group Spiritual Direction - participants’ copy
Video description of a Group Spiritual Direction model of meeting for DNA groups (Password = DNA in all caps)
444 Narrative Circles Model booklet (used at 2019 Table Leadership Retreat)
Handout for Group Spiritual Direction/DNA info night
Enneagram Tools
An Enneagram Sermon for Christmas (or Advent - for individual reflection or small group discussion)
Annual Enneagram e-course - Description here, Instructor info here (she was one of the founders of the Arizona Enneagram Association)
Jaye Andres’ description of the 9 types here
Guided Meditations
Embracing Transformation Part 1 - A meditation for Holy Saturday (or any time of transition)
On Silence, from David Benner
On Breath, from David Benner
Justice (see also Racial Justice and Service/Loving Others)
Engaging in social justice - a Confessions Tip Sheet by Kent Annan
Take-aways from Shane Claiborne + World Vision Church Leaders Conference (Spring 2018)
Leading with an Inner Life (including “stopping” exercises)
Leading with an Inner Life Handout (Contemplative Leadership and Silent Prayer),
Solitude Exercises Booklet (Centering Prayer, Nighttime Pillow Meditation, Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry Exercise, Breath Prayer, Stilling Meditation)
Hospitality: How to make space for others without losing yourself Handout
Moving from Solitude to Community to Ministry by Henri Nouwen
Witnessing & Testimonies : Becoming Faithful Witnesses Handout
PDP Summer edition (Personal Development Plans)
Poetry - collected and updated here, beginning with poems by season
Prayer (for Centering Prayer, see above)
The With-God-Life Handout (including a prayer template)
Walking With Others in a Small Group Handout(including ways to pray as a group)
Pray-as-you-go - A great app from the Jesuits with daily 10 minute guided meditations with Scripture
7 Observations from an Intercessory Prayer Vigil (Spring 2018)
Welcoming Prayer Material from Contemplative Outreach, a 30 minute sermon on The Welcoming Prayer, and a 5 minute guided welcoming prayer
Prayer Templates (Imprecatory Psalm Template, James 4 template, Prayers of the People template)
The Practice of Lament via Conversatio
Exercises for Internalizing and Externalizing Scripture including lectio, examen, 4 Quaker Questions, Praying our Protests, Praying the (news)Paper, Ignatian prayer of imagination, keeping company with Jesus, and Scripture memorization
Breath Prayers -
Solitude Exercises Booklet (Centering Prayer, Nighttime Pillow Meditation, Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry Exercise, Breath Prayer, Stilling Meditation),
Breathing the Creed guided video-divina,
Solitude Exercises Booklet (Centering Prayer, Nighttime Pillow Meditation, Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry Exercise, Breath Prayer, Stilling Meditation)
Prayer of Examen
Prayer of Examen Workbook
LT3F: Rummaging for God/Praying Backwards Through Your Day
God Hunt Worksheet (form of daily Examen)
Daily Awareness Workbook + LT3F (Both versions of the Examen)
Reimagining the Examen app - A modern tool to help pray Ignatius’ prayer of examen
Racial Justice
Article about how to support the black community in Victoria
Engaging in social justice - a Confessions Tip Sheet by Kent Annan
Victoria Protests (Demonstrations & Activism) Facebook Group
Power Flower - a worksheet/toolkit for understanding the complexity of identity & intersectionality
White Privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack article by Peggy McIntosh
Me & White Supremacy by Layla Saad & Me & White Supremacy: A guided journal
White Supremacy Culture Characteristics (and antidotes) - from S.U.R.J.
Resources from great groups (books, articles, blogs, recommendations)
The Pelican Project - A guild of Christian women gathering and sharing resources
Renovare - Practical resources and online courses for Christian Spiritual Formation
Dallas Willard Center for Christian Spiritual Formation 2018 Book Awards
Invitation to Retreat: The Gift and Necessity of Time Away with God by Ruth Haley Barton
Rest & Recovery Retreat Day booklet and exercises (used for 2019 Open Gate Women’s Retreat)
Keeping Company with God on Retreat booklet w/exercises (used for 2019 Table Women’s Retreat)
Stop, Look, and Listen booklet (a retreat for YFC International Board Day Retreat)
In Stillness, the Earth Waits - an at-home retreat guide for Holy Saturday
Rule of Life
Developing a Rule of Life Class with Dallas Willard Center
Rule of Life Template from Conversatio
Sabbath + Time Handout (including SWOT of Presence and Rule of Life inspiration)
How to be Present Handout (including a rule of life example and worksheet)
New Year, Old Habits Sermon Slides, Jan. 5th 2020
Steven Macchia’s Crafting a Rule of Life Website
Prayer by Marie Howe
The Wind One Brilliant Day by Antonio Machado (that vest! :D)
Sacred Rhythms: Arranging our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Haley Barton
Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren (Table “library” might have this)
Blessing of the Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogul
The Common Rule by Justin Earley (received the Christianity Today 2020 Book Award in discipleship category and is about how to develop a Rule of Life “in an age of distraction)
The Rule of St. Benedict (Table “library” might have this)
Rule of Life: Arranging our Lives for Spiritual Transformation - podcast episode with Ruth Haley Barton
An Invitation to a Well Ordered Way with Steven Macchia - Renovare podcast episode
How to Put Christ into your Everyday Life audio series by Dallas Willard
Routine Hearing of God: How it works as part of life - audio by Dallas Willard
A conversation with AJ Swoboda on Things Above Podcast with James Bryan Smith (Swoboda’s book Subversive Sabbath won Christianity Today’s book award in the spiritual formation category)
What is Lectio Divina? - 3 min video
Turning the Tables on Prayer (and EAR acronym)
Praying the Scriptures Booklet including a group prayer of imagination, quotes, and a lectio divina worksheet
The With-God-Life summary (including lectio divina)
Good Stuff To Memorize collected and added to here (feel free to print!)
Exercises for Internalizing and Externalizing Scripture including lectio, examen, 4 Quaker Questions, Praying our Protests, Praying the (news)Paper, Ignatian prayer of imagination, keeping company with Jesus, and Scripture memorization
New Year, Old Habits (i.e. Rule of Life) sermon slides
Service / Loving Others
Fed for a Lifetime: Receiving Love and Loving Others Handout (including a Guided Meditation)
Take-aways from Shane Claiborne + World Vision Church Leaders Conference (Spring 2018)
Hospitality: How to make space for others without losing yourself Handout
Witnessing & Testimonies : Becoming Faithful Witnesses Handout
Engaging in social justice - a Confessions Tip Sheet by Kent Annan
Good On You app - measures ethics for purchases
Divine Ownership Exercise (based on a “Holy Experiment” in Trevor Hudson’s Discovering Our Spiritual Identity)
Pledging to Tithe Worksheet, and Questions to Consider regarding Money (also from Chapter 13 of Hudson’s DSI, above)
Stopping the Supply Chain Slavery in Canada blog post by Darryl Anderson
Following Jesus Through the Eye of a Needle handout (October 2019 Kaleo Focus Meeting)
Video reflection on Luke 12:32-40 - “Sell your possessions and give alms… Make purses for yourselves that do not wear out…Be dressed for action”
Small Group Resources
Walking With Others in a Small Group Handout (including go-around questions and ways to pray as a group)
Video description of a Group Spiritual Direction model of meeting for DNA groups (Password = DNA in all caps)
Hospitality: How to make space for others without losing yourself Handout
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction: A Brief Introduction by Dahlia Fraser
Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction – Margaret Guenther
Group Spiritual Direction: Community for Discernment -- Rose Mary Dougherty
Sacred Companions: The Gift of Spiritual Friendship & Direction -- David Benner
Centerquest School of Spiritual Direction (Online & Pasadena CA)
Soul Stream (Online & Vancouver Island)
Soul Formation (Online & Portland OR)
Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation (Washington DC)
Pacific Jubilee (Online & Vancouver)
Portland Seminary MA in Spiritual Direction (Online & Portland OR)
Preparing for Individual Spiritual Direction worksheets
Story Forming Resources:
What’s Your Story? worksheet
Grand Examen worksheet
Spiritual Autobiography worksheet
Spiritual Direction with Kids
Training - With Lacy Finn Borgo via The Companioning Center
My Little Bouquets pamphlet for SD with kids
Group Spiritual Direction
Intro to/Preparing for Group Spiritual Direction - participants’ copy
Video description of a Group Spiritual Direction model of meeting for DNA groups (Password = DNA in all caps)
444 Narrative Circles Model booklet (used at 2019 Table Leadership Retreat)
Handout for Group Spiritual Direction/DNA info night
Spiritual Disciplines - general
Turning the Tables on Prayer (and EAR acronym)
Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines - Part 1 and 2 via Conversatio Divina
PDP Summer edition (Personal Development Plans)
Spiritual Formation
Following Jesus Forward, an Invitation to a Journey Handout (including 5 “E’s” for following Jesus)
The Pelican Project - A guild of Christian women gathering and sharing resources
Renovare - Practical resources and online courses for Christian Spiritual Formation
Dallas Willard Center for Christian Spiritual Formation 2018 Book Awards
5 Facets of Spiritual Formation by John R. Throop
Invitation to a Journey by Robert Mulholland
Living From the Heart Online Course with Soul Stream
Conversatio Divina - a Martin Institute Resource