Mission 2 Mission
Mission 2 Mission exists to connect our local Table community with the broader community of God by supporting organizations who are aligned with The Table’s values of sharing God’s love and message of reconciliation. We seek to build relationships with them through prayer, financial support, and regular engagement, and in doing so, we hope to help The Table community to see God at work in other places and bolster our collective learning.
Our commitment is to support each of the following individuals or organizations for one year, and then to review our support before either continuing our commitment or beginning a new relationship with another individual or organization.
We, the M2M committee, which includes Eleanor Protheroe, Sonja Klassen, Naomi Yeker, Sarah Rathjen, and Michelle Hardy (and you, if you are interested!), are committed to continue to promote missions over the coming year with ongoing updates so that you can pray for specific needs, as well as providing opportunities to get involved.
Please feel free to contact any of us if you have any comments, questions or suggestions, or email m2m@tablechurch.ca and one of us will respond.
Read about our mission partners on our M2M Blog!
You can find the 2025 prayer card here. Thank you for partnering with these missionaries by praying for them!
Our Missions Partners
Street Hope - Victoria
In Victoria, BC, open-air drug use, addiction to hard drugs, and homelessness are widespread. Disconnection and isolation both drive and result from addiction and homelessness, creating a vicious cycle of pain and alienation. Street Hope Victoria (SHV) aims to mitigate this cycle by answering Christ’s call to walk with the poor.
Alan Thorimbert - IVCF - Canada
Alan Thorimbert is an IVCF Campus Minister at the University of Victoria and Camosun College, where his work is characterized by creating spaces where students can discover Jesus, live undivided lives, practice engaged thinking, build a global vision of the church, and grow in influencing the contexts they find themselves within.
Abundant Grace of God Maternity Center - Philippines
Abundant Grace of God Maternity Center (AGGMC) is a charity birthing home in the Philippines that was established by Georgia and Achao Macad in 2007. The vision for the maternity center is to share God’s love with the families through maternity care.