What to Expect at The Table Church

Welcome to The Table Church Victoria! We’re looking forward to getting to know you!

At The Table, we alternate between two different kinds of worship services - “Big Table” and “Neighbourhood Table” - so keep an eye on our Events Page, or sign up for our weekly newsletter to find out what’s coming up.

  • (Are you looking for Table Church Peninsula? Our sibling congregation meets at 10:00am every Sunday in Brentwood Bay. You can find out more here!)

The Table meets at the historic Church of Our Lord building at 626 Blanshard Street in Downtown Victoria.

Sharing a meal at Big Table.

Table Church Victoria

On Big Table Sundays, please join us for a potluck meal before worship at 4:00pm in Cridge Memorial Hall (“The Hall,” adjacent to the sanctuary), followed by music, teaching, and liturgy in the Sanctuary at 5:00pm.

  • Where Do I Park? There is limited parking available in the lot behind the church (on Humboldt Street). Otherwise, you will find street parking on Humboldt Street and Blanshard Street. Please ensure you note the parking regulations. Bikes can be parked inside the church in the Hall.

  • How Do People Dress? We’re pretty casual here at The Table - please come as you are and be comfortable. 

  • Can I Receive Communion? We celebrate communion once or twice a month at our Big Table gatherings. Everyone who is baptized is welcome to receive communion. If you are not baptized, we welcome you to come to the front for a blessing. Gluten-free wafers and grape juice are available upon request. We celebrate communion with a common household cup - please take one cup for your family or household as you come to the front.

  • Do I need to bring anything for potluck? Please just bring yourselves, and enjoy a meal with some new friends! If you’d like to contribute to the potluck meal, you can find the theme for the week on our Events page.

  • How Can I Get Connected? We would love to get together with you for a coffee! Please fill out one of the visitor cards and put it in the offering plate, or email info@tablechuch.ca, and our leadership team will get in touch with you. You can also find links to our social media pages here.

  • Kids Program: Children 18 months old to grade 5 are welcomed to join our Kids programming in the Hall during the worship service. Kids will join the adults in the sanctuary for the first part of the service, and then will be dismissed to their classes. Please go with your child to sign them into their classrooms. You can find out more about our “God’s Big Story” curriculum by clicking here.

  • Nursery: An unstaffed nursery space is available for parents with young children. 

  • Youth Program: The youth group (grades 6-12) meets upstairs during the 4:00 meal for a short lesson. Youth are invited to join us during the worship service in the sanctuary at 5:00.    

On Neighbourhood Table Sundays, meet with a smaller group in your neighbourhood. These groups meet in various locations around the city and at various times.

We would love to help you connect with a group near you - each Neighbourhood Table has an administrative leader (listed below) who will connect with you and let you know all of the details that you’ll need.

At Neighbourhood Tables, we meet in houses, backyards, and parks. Kids are welcome, and some Neighbourhood Tables have more focused Kids programming. These gatherings are more informal, with some liturgy and music, guided conversations, snacks or a meal, and time for socializing.

Our current Neighbourhood Table offerings are:

Still have questions? Email us at info@tablechurch.ca.