Plant the Seed
Testing out the vision by inviting others into the brainstorming process. Giving others an imagination for what’s possible. The role of the vision keeper.
Design the Garden
In the planning stages of an early project. What is the vision? Why are we doing it? Who is it for? What are the details? Who is involved? How does this tie into sharing the hope of Christ within our community and outside of it?
Dream Gospel Harvest
Why Jesus is worthy of a holy obsession: he is glorious and holds actual hope for divine transformation both now and in the world to come. He grants deep and profound rest – even while working – and delivers us from performance anxiety. Jesus fills our lack, closes the gap, call us into divine life through His own work. Now what? What to do with our hands and where and how to share this hope?
Apostolate Overview
The role of the Apostolate for leadership focuses on our vocation as "sent ones" to announce, embody, and demonstrate the Gospel to the skeptics, the curious, and the seekers.
As with the other Kaleo focuses, the Apostolate has a staggered two-year track.
The framework for this year of the Apostolate focuses on three large ideas:
Translating the Gospel (does it makes sense?)
Clarifying Faith (do I believe it?)
Calling to Christ (will I choose it?
Follow Me Follow Christ
The Christian faith is not primarily a commitment to doctrine but an apprenticeship in walking the way of Jesus. A follower of Jesus might instinctively say to someone unfamiliar with faith “don’t look at me, look at Jesus”, but often the clearest glimpse of Jesus and the implications of a life of faith are through Christians. We’ll examine what it means to represent Christ to others and how to model faith for skeptics, inquirers, and seekers.
BLITZ: Christ in Me – Vulnerability and Authenticity
Authenticity and vulnerability are hip words that get bandied around on the streets, business culture, and in the media. But what does it mean to be truly authentic and are there limits to vulnerability? In the Jesus we see a God who shares in the vulnerabilities of humanity and shares himself with those around him. This self-disclosure, however, has limits. How to navigate taking risks and crossing lines as we share our glory and frailty with others.
Share Stories
God loves a good story so much that he designed us to love them as well. This explains why the Bible isn’t primarily a set of logical propositions but mostly narrative. Stories communicate truths that span many cultures. Most people won’t understand E=MC2 but most people can understand a story about a person who stole their neighbour’s goat. We’ll look at what makes a good story and how to share the Gospel through narrative.
Challenge Belief
Many non-religious people assume that only religious people have distinct views about the world. It’s easy to overlook that every view of the world requires distinct and specific beliefs, all of which can and ought be challenged. We’ll look at some errant or inconsistent assumptions present within the culture and how to challenge them with charity.
BLITZ: Incarnation and Life in Community
What do the rhythms and details of life look like as we live on mission? How might this affect how we arrange our homes, engaged with our neighbourhoods, interact with our community of faith? We'll come away from this blitz with fresh ideas and a plan for action.
Defend the Faith
There are many critiques of the Christian story, some of which rely on caricatures of faith and some of which require careful consideration. We’ll develop strategies to engage with various challenges and navigate through some of the top objections to Christian belief.
BLITZ: Tell The Truth
We'll first focus what it means to pursue and share truth In a culture that resists truth claims. How to discuss faith, politics and life in an era of fake news and in a culture that resists truth claims. Secondly, how can we "speak the truth in love" not only about big ideas, but about more personal things? We'll look at the dynamics of confrontation, including the role of both charity, civility, and humility.