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Holy Saturday Retreat

"buried" by jan richardson

In Stillness, The Earth Waits

“buried” by jan richardson

In lieu of the planned in-person retreat, I put this at-home retreat guide together with my friend Roxy (of The Emmaus Community) for Holy Saturday (click on this link, and print if able!). Situated between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, Holy Saturday gives us the opportunity to reflect on the liminal, unsettling, in-between spaces many of us are finding ourselves in at this moment in history (and History).

If desired, you may join us for morning prayer on Zoom at 9am (with a variety of participants - link in guide), stay on at 9:30 for a brief retreat opening, and then gather again on Zoom at 3pm to share together about our at-home retreat experiments.

(*All the offerings - the Zoom gatherings as well as the guide and all its exercises - are completely optional! Let God lead :)).

Call, email or text me if you have any questions.

- Vanessa ( | 250.858.3281)

April 10

LIVE: Good Friday - Worship

April 12

LIVE: Easter Sunday Worship