Special (tentative) guest: our Mission 2 Mission National recipient, Liz Snell, L'Abri Canada
Join us during the meal and service to meet Liz, discuss her mission work with L’Abri Canada, and pray for them.
MASKS: are recommended for anyone 12+ who is not fully vaccinated (14 days after 2nd dose).
Please sanitize hands upon entry.
We’ll be serving a soup for dinner from 4-5pm; service starts at 5:00pm. Suggested donation: $2ea or $5/family.
~ Children attending Kids’ Table and not the meal: please drop off via the Office/Hall door entrance
~ Kids 3 & up can go directly to the Kids’ Table room(s) downstairs or the Hall for their meal from their entrance. Youth group meal and lesson upstairs on third floor, please.
~ Adults attending the service and not the meal, may choose to enter via Sanctuary entrance door. Physically distanced seating available.