Special (tentative) guest: our Mission 2 Mission International recipient, Georgia Macad, from Abundant Grace of God Maternity Center, in Kalinga, Philippines
Join us during the meal and service to meet Grace, discuss her mission work with the maternity centre, and pray for them.
MASKS: are recommended for anyone 12+ who is not fully vaccinated (14 days after 2nd dose).
Please sanitize hands upon entry.
We’ll be serving a soup for dinner from 4-5pm; service starts at 5:00pm. Suggested donation: $2ea or $5/family.
~ Children attending Kids’ Table and not the meal: please drop off via the Office/Hall door entrance
~ Kids 3 & up can go directly to the Kids’ Table room(s) downstairs or the Hall for their meal from their entrance. Youth group meal and lesson upstairs on third floor, please.
~ Adults attending the service and not the meal, may choose to enter via Sanctuary entrance door. Physically distanced seating available.