Please note that some Neighbourhood Tables are on hiatus this week! Victoria Neighbourhood Tables, please join us downtown in the Hall at 626 Blanshard Street for music, teaching, and fellowship.
As always, Table Peninsula meets on Sunday mornings at 10am at 1229 Clark Road, Brentwood Bay.
Connect with a Table gathering in your area! Neighbourhood Tables meet in various locations and at various times around the city.
Downtown Neighbourhood Table meets at the Table (our usual gathering location) at 5:00pm.
New to The Table? Find out What to Expect When You Visit The Table Church!
Neighbourhood Table Options:
Downtown - 5pm - Contact:
Saanich - 9:30am - Contact:
Peninsula - 10am - Contact: or check their website for updates:
Vic West - 4pm - Contact:
Fernwood - 9:30am - Contact:
Virtual Table Archive: Videos available on the Table YouTube page