Special note for this Sunday! Neighbourhood Tables may still be happening as usual - please check with your Neighbourhood Table leader - BUT we also have a special event happening at The Table on Sunday evening. The Youth Groups from St. John’s Vancouver and The Table will be holding an Evening Prayer service to finish off their week of service running the Spring Break Camp.
Evening Prayer:
DATE: Sunday, March 24
TIME: 4:00PM
PLACE: The Sanctuary, Church of Our Lord, 626 Blanshard Street
Connect with a Table gathering in your area! Neighbourhood Tables meet in various locations and at various times around the city.
Downtown Neighbourhood Table meets at the Church of Our Lord (our usual gathering location) at 5:00pm in the Hall.
New to The Table? Find out What to Expect When You Visit The Table Church!
Neighbourhood Table Options:
Downtown - 5pm - Contact: andy@tablechurch.ca
Saanich - 9:30am - Contact: andy@tablechurch.ca
Peninsula - 10am - Contact: josh@tablechurch.ca (or see their website for more info - tablepeninsula.ca)
Vic West - 4pm - Contact: micayla.galbraith@gmail.com
Fernwood - 9:30am - Contact: annaking@tablechurch.ca
Virtual Table Sermon Archive: Podcast Episodes