Come join VISTA as we dive into the stories of the Ancient Israelites and learn how their history can still impact our lives today!
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The good news? We have very successfully turned early Genesis (chapter 1–11) into a series of
picture books, Sunday School lessons, videos, and flannelgraphs. As a result, most children
growing up in the church are quite familiar with those Bible stories. The bad news? There can be
trouble when we never move beyond that child-sized understanding. Ironically, early Genesis can
be a challenge precisely because of our strong start in childhood. We are very familiar with these
passages, but we are also significantly uninformed about their ancient setting.
A good, healthy way to ‘grow up’ in our understanding is to hear these passages in their original
ancient Near Eastern context, to listen alongside the ancient Israelites. What would they have
heard? What kind of literature would they have known this to be? What would have been the
obvious main points? What are we modern folks missing? These questions will be the focus of
this course.
When we approach early Genesis this way, we find that it is not about the various culture-war
issues we often bring to the text, but rather about things far deeper. Early Genesis proclaims
Good News about God, about the world, and about what it means to be human.