At the end of each Spring we like to gather to reflect on the gifts of leadership in our community! If you participated in leadership at the Table in the past year, or if you are a Kaleo member, please join us for a party to celebrate all of our leaders!
Date: Monday, June 3
Time: 5:30pm
Place: The Hall, Church of Our Lord
We will provide pulled pork, buns, coleslaw, and some kind of potato. If you are a Kaleo member who is not currently leading, we encourage you to bring a side dish or a dessert, and let Emily know ( if you can help with set-up or clean-up. If you are a leader, please just come and enjoy!
TBD on whether we will have childcare - but kids are welcome in any case!
Please RSVP to
What is Kaleo?
Kaleo is The Table’s leadership and discipleship program. At it's core, the Christian faith is a call (or “kaleo” in Greek) to follow Jesus in all spheres of life. The Bible describes this commitment as discipleship, a blend of a lifelong apprenticeship and ongoing spiritual formation. Jesus himself told his leaders to always make this a major priority (see Matthew 28).
Much of what we do at The Table revolves around trying to connect the dots between spiritual life and practical life, and we've heavily invested in one . We call it Kaleo: a Call to Gospel Formation.
Interested in learning more about being a leader at The Table? Email for more info