James Series Archive

This is the archive for the James Series from the summer of 2018. For the current series archive click here, for the listing of our past series click here, for the current Lectionary click here.


June 24

James 1:1-11. Trials and Temptations part 1.


July 1

James 1:12-18. Trials and Temptations part 2.


July 8

James 1:19-27. Listening and Doing.


July 15

James 2:1-13. Favoritism Forbidden.


July 22

James 2:14-26. Faith and Deeds.


July 29

James 3:1-18. Taming the Tongue and Two Kinds of Wisdom.


August 5

James 4:1-10. Submit Yourselves to God.


August 12

James 4:11-17. Boasting About Tomorrow.


August 19

James 5:1-12. Warning to Rich Oppressors and Patience in Suffering.


August 26

James 5:12-20. The Prayer of Faith.