Kaleo Post Retreat 2018: Part 1 - God Speaks
Kaleo Retreat 2018 is in the books! 34 Kaleo participants, 16 kids, 3 kids program leaders and 1 cook (for a total of 54) took part in our weekend together!
There was music, prayer, storytelling, reflection, lots of laughing, lots of amazing food, a few tears, a lost tooth, a few sleep deprived campers, swimming, goal setting, cinnamon rolls,technical difficulties, kayaking, games, fun, strategizing, naming fears, questions, ideas, pulled pork, good quotes, collaboration - and so much more!
What we heard….
A big part of the weekend was paying attention to what we sensed God was speaking to us as a leadership team. I wrote as much of it down as I could. The following is an attempt to articulate what was shared during our time together...
If food is the love of God made edible, then Kaleo Retreat 2018 was the love of God made into a camp! We reminded ourselves that we are a GOSPEL formed FAMILY of PRIESTS on MISSION. And in the sharing time we heard that it did indeed feel like being at home with our family. And this meant coming as we are without putting up walls or masks. It also means resting in God’s goodness, trusting Him with our physical and emotional needs. We have an invitation this year as we study 1 Corinthians to deepen our trust in God. To trust that His Gospel will form us into a Holy people. A called and called out people. And that it’s God’s work to bring about the results and not ours. Our work is to trust in God’s work and to obey out of that trust.
Here's more of what you shared:
- Coming as you are --> Life is not what I thought it
- I'm convicted of distancing myself this past year - I want to settle into who I am
- To call on God in my vulnerability
- Fear is the feeling of not being in control - we need to remember that God is with us
- How radical would it be for Christians to be well rested - physically and emotionally
- May those in their joy have compassion on those in their sorrow. And may those i their sorrow have grace for those in their joy.
- Collaborating with God on the script for the next scene
- God took me a different direction than I expected to prepare me for something bigger
- I like the cadence of the retreat and how it fits on our church calendar
- Nice to be together especially when you miss seeing people
- I'm always hesitant about naming the will of God - an invitation to attribute more to God
- Reminder to ask for our daily bread
- When we come back from retreat what are we bringing back for change?
- 1 Corinthians is a letter of love!
- You are never living in a godless place if you are a Christian
- I like everyone here!
- I have a profound sense of peace. Feel really grounded
- A sense fo urgency --> To pray for past leaders
- God doesn't ask for results but for obedience
- I missed "home" while away - this feels like family
- So glad to be prayed for - saftey in vulnerability
- Affirming weekend - sensed I heard God right!
What else did you hear?
Stay tuned! There's more that came out of our time together that will be posted here soon! Please add your thoughts to what you heard this past weekend or add your responses to what's already been said!
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