Please Pray
Both Katies suffer from ongoing chronic pain. Please pray for endurance and hope in the midst of pain and for some real solutions.
Both Katies are also discerning vocational shifts. Katie Withrow is looking to go back to teaching, which would mean more school. Katie Wilton is looking to get out of teaching, at least temporarily, which means needing a new job in September. Please pray for opportunity and wisdom.
Our main measure for success (faithfulness and fruitfulness) is the development of our leaders. Please pray that they will greatly and deeply know their security in Christ. Pray that God will expose hidden idols, reveal Himself as trustworthy, give them confidence in His promises, and transform them by His Spirit.
Please pray for our community as a whole, that we would recognize that we are rich in Christ and that we would all be ready to share this wealth with those around us.
Please pray for several people who are on the verge of faith in Christ. Spirit, reveal hope to them in Jesus!
Please pray especially for Table Peninsula, which is still trying to establish identity, visibility, and connections in a community that really is not interested in faith.
As usual for this time of year, we need extra break even. We’ll need around 14k by the end of the year. Please pray for extra generosity from donors both inside and outside our community.
Thank you. We are radically dependant on God acting and moving. We like to think, strategize, and make plans but this mission absolutely depends on God working in the hearts and minds of people in invisible and surprising ways.
Please also let us know how we can be praying for you!
Send us prayer requests to
With great affection, in Christ,
Josh and Andy