Withrows' Fall 2019 Update
From our Summer 2019 Camping Trip to Mount Rainier, WA
Our kids are growing up! While Katie has loved managing the house and kids we’re facing the facts of living in Victoria! As a result we’ve been in a long season of discernment around what shape life will take next as Katie prepares to re-enter the work (for pay) force. At the moment Katie is attending UVic knocking out prerequisites to get into the Elementary Education program. If accepted, she would start September 2020. Katie is also teaching a entry level Geology lab at UVic and LOVING it! Please pray for discernment as multiple levels of teaching are on the table (Elementary, Middle/high-school & Post-Secondary).
Savannah (10) is in grade 5 French Immersion. She is currently involved in Cross Country (has placed 6th and 4th in her first 2 meets!), basketball and choir. As these activities require before school practice, Savannah gets herself to school most mornings. She is also excited about The Table’s new YOUTH GROUP (Grades 5-7)!
Savannah (right) with her Cross Country Teammates!
Emmett (8) is in grade 3 at the same school. He loves school and his 2 EAs who work with him. This year his EAs are focusing on reading and Emmett is responding well to the exercises and routine. He loves books and building amazing structures out of MagnaTiles.
Ira & Emmett at the beach
Ira (4) is in Daycare (He’ll start Kindergarten NEXT FALL!) and LOVES Star Wars. He loves to light-saber duel with anyone who will spar with him. He is also learning to be a big helper round the house!
Ira posing in front of his mountain
We continue to be thankful for God’s provision for our family and for the community and mission here in Victoria. Thank you so much for your prayers and support for our family and The Table community.