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Morning Prayer On ZOOM

Join us on Zoom for Morning Prayer - Zoom link & details on the Forum.

Please begin to login 5 mins before the start if possible. Thank you.
Participants will be in a waiting room until hosts admit them for the service. Thank you for your patience.
Please use the chat room to send messages to the group or directly to a participant during the service.
Please stop sharing video if that is more comfortable for you.
Hosts may mute participants during the service.
Hosts may request we stop sharing video during the service if lagging becomes a challenge.

Please have a recognizable screen name at login so we know to admit you to the service.
How to: log into Zoom, update your screen name, and then enter in meeting ID or click on link. Your updated screen name will appear when you're asking to be admitted to the service.

Dial by your location
+1 778 907 2071 (prompted for meeting ID which is available on the forum)

May 16

Big Table On ZOOM

May 23

In-person Pentecost Big Table @ L'Abri w/Communion to Follow