REGISTRATION CLOSED. For more info on this event contact before Sunday.
Please be prepared to follow protocols:
~ Line up physically distanced at the entrance until it’s safe to locate a physically distanced seating area
~ Have your masks on when you exit your vehicle (children under 12 don’t require a mask)
~ Be checked-in and asked screening questions
~ Sanitizer available
~ Have your household ushered to a seating area
~ Your household must wear their masks for the entire service
~ No signing please
~ Communion will be served. Please stay in your seating area until directed otherwise.
~ Before, during and after the service, people must not gather or socially engage.
Thank you.
Items to bring:
~ Chairs for each member of your household
~ Umbrellas and/or hooded raincoats
~ Suggest wearing layers
~ Rain boots and other rain gear (there is a chance of rain)
~ Hats & Gloves
~ Extra masks
~ Sunscreen
~ Water, tea, coffee
~ Snacks if necessary (please do not share; stay in your households’ seating area for the entire event)